World of Warcraft Quest Giver

When you have chosen your character and realm you will find yourself in front of your first quest giver (Non-Playing Character or NPC). He will have a large yellow ! above his head. The first few quests are very easy and you will only be attacked by one monster at a time. At this point you will have very few weapons or spells at your disposal and so your choices will be simple and pointed out to you. If you have chosen a Hunter or ranged character then make sure you are at a safe distance, but within range, and fire, and keep doing so until the poor old target is dead, then click on its body and take the loot. The loot goes into your bag(s). You can, through the WoW Interface menu, set to auto loot, which early game is very useful because you need all the money you can get. Later, you will become choosier and will probably want to turn the feature off.

You will sometimes receive money and in addition other goodies which you will be able to keep to use yourself, or sell. There are numerous NPCs to interact with. The ones with bags and anvils, as you mouse over them, are merchants, with whom you buy and sell goods. The trick is to rarely purchase from them.

Now return to the NPC who will now have a big yellow ? above his head. After you have turned in the quest a number of yellow ! will appear above NPC heads. Collect all of them. Wherever you are make a habit of taking all the quests on offer in the immediate area and then work them all before returning to the quest givers. It usually makes more sense to work them this way, as it saves time and unnecessary return journeys, but sometimes you might want to pop back for repairs, or to get rid of accumulated goods. If so take advantage of turning in the completed quests, as it will earn you more experience (XP) and may rank you up to the next level; so, making it easier to complete the next quest.

Mini Map

On your mini map, the top right hand of the screen, there are several attached tools. Click on the top left one and a drop-down menu appears. By selecting from the menu with a tick you will find information appears on the mini map by way of small icons. The idea is to select them when you need one of the facilities/items listed. If you tick all of them whilst in a city you will be overwhelmed with a mass of icons, which is of no help at all. I usually have the class and profession trainers constantly ticked and the flight master.

Flight Masters (Bat Handlers for the Undead)

Provide you with transportation.  Be sure to check your mini map for the Flight Master and visit them i.e. click on them to "discover a new flight path". Flying between locations saves so much time on what would otherwise be tedious journeys. If you have a long flight it gives you ample time to get something to eat or drink, stretch your legs, or whatever!

You will also discover other ways of journeying, such as ships (Alliance) and airships (Horde), and the Deeprun Tram which connects Stormwind with Ironforge.  These are free forms of travel.

As you gain experience (XP) your character will level/rank up and you will be guided to your class trainer. You used to purchase your skills and spells from them, but now spells become visible in your spell book when you hit the appropriate level. It appears the only function of the Class Trainer is to change your class specialisation (I talk about this later).

The spell book is found on the Micro Menu Bar, shortcut P on the keyboard. At first your spells and other skills will automatically appear in your action bars at the bottom of the screen. You will want to arrange them in the most logical order, according to their powers. Try to get used to using your keyboard when using the important ones, rather than clicking on them with the mouse. It becomes important later in the game. The game menu allows you to key bind, but we'll talk about that later. For now, using the numerical buttons on your keyboard, the ones above QWERTY, will suffice.

#World of Warcraft Quest Giver

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