Finding WoW Quests

By that I mean locating your destination. Sometimes Blizzard's clues are a little misleading. Cryptic is fine but finding the location or quest can sometimes be almost impossible. However, there is a great site that comes to the rescue: WOWHEAD

This site has all the quests in its database and members update it regularly. So, if you have any problems run there immediately. The game is supposed to be fun, not a bind, so there's nothing wrong with seeking a little help ;-)

You will notice that people talk about map co-ordinations and add-ons.  The co-ords simply mean reading across the map and down the map. For example, co-ords of 40,70 mean 40% across the map from the left and 70% down.

The general location of the quest as shown on the WoW mini-map is right 99.9% of the time. In fact, the only time it's wrong is when Blizzard has patched the game and not changed all the details through over-sight. It does happen occasionally, however, the general location doesn't always pinpoint the quest, which is when WoWHead is invaluable. It also tells you how to complete the quest if you are having difficulties with it.

Joining a World of Warcraft Guild

Is a good idea for several reasons: You can find similarly ranked members in your location and group together to complete quests, battle grounds etc. You also get certain bonuses. These do depend on the Guild's ranking. You can ask members questions through the guild chat (press enter, then /g - followed by your question). Be polite, say "Hi" first and always thank people for helping you out.

Of course, first you must join one. By using the guild icon on the toolbar, you can scroll through the list of the Guilds in your Realm. Have a good look at what they are offering. You want a helpful friendly Guild and not one that is only interested in the highest ranked members (there are a lot of these around unfortunately). I suggest you pick one that has lots of members solely because you find few people online even with Guilds that have a couple of hundred members.

If you find you want to leave a guild then simply open up chat (press enter key) and type the following command /gquit. I left one recently because the guy running it was obviously an immature loud-mouth from the gist of the conversations he was having with people.

Should You Buy World of Warcraft Gold?

No, it is cheating and can get you banned and there is no reason to buy any. Questing, your professions and selling your loot will earn you all the gold you will need. You'll even find that cooking comes in handy for earning money. Westfall stew sells for 1s a dish and comes in handy early game, especially around the time you are looking to buy a mount. You can also earn money at the Auction Houses found in the big cities.

Occasionally you will loot metals and minerals, like malachite and precious gems that will earn you more money through an auction than by selling it to NPC traders. Make sure you start the auction price higher than at the price an NPC Trader would give you, make the auction for 48 hours and put a buyout price. By using the Auction House search function, you will see what the going rate is. The prices being charged are extortionate for new players.

Be aware that your character might want these goods for the profession you have chosen. If so stick them in the bank (yes, there's a bank and you need to use it) for a rainy day!

The point of the game is to have fun doing so. If you want to cut corners there are ways of fairly doing so (I give you several ideas in my Level-up Your WoW Characters Much Faster page). If you want to cheat, then the game has no fun or purpose for you and perhaps you should look elsewhere for your entertainment? Blizzard are ruthless when banning cheats.

#Finding WoW Quests #Joining a World of Warcraft Guild #Should You Buy World of Warcraft Gold?

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