Fed up with searching high and low for good World of Warcraft advice and want to have a
list of the best sites to go to without the hassle? Well here's my list
of the best sites out there for all aspects of the game:
- http://www.wowwiki.com/Profession - WoWWiki is a great resource for lots of WoW information and this is a great basic profession guide.
- http://wowhead.com/ - Wowhead is another all round fantastic resource for WoW information, but it's second to none for looking up quest information. Just enter your quest's name and your guide will appear with lots of helpful hints from the community.
- http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/default.aspx - The best site for obtaining your WoW add ons is Curse. Add ons help you manipulate the game's user-interface and improve your game experience.
- http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/3225373977 - this is a very good resource for learning how to write macros.
- http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info7017-LightHeaded.html - a very useful add-on to use that links straight to Wowhead's quest info whilst in-game.
- http://www.wow-professions.com/profession-leveling-guides - this is the best, and a very comprehensive, levelling guide available and it's free.
- http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/26569/#1 - the official Blizzard WoW dungeon and instances guides are very poor and unhelpful, so go to Ten Ton Hammer for all you need to know about each dungeon.
- Ask Mr. Robot - Want an at a glance guide to what gear you need for best PvE or PvP performance then this site is considered one of the best.
There's 8
for you to be going on with.
World of Warcraft Battleground
Guide Macros
from the information you have picked up elsewhere in my book you now know how
to write World of Warcraft macros and we are now going to write some /bg
battleground macros.
Macros must be short, their maximum allowed length is 255 characters, so you need to be succinct. Remember your guide will probably be ignored by most players, but make allowances for non-English readers; there's lots on the Euro servers. Most players it seems have no idea about how to win a battleground encounter. It appears most just go with the idea of attacking the nearest enemy they can find and getting the biggest damage score possible. However, the idea is to win and get Honor and Conquest points. These points buy PvP gear which increases your damage or healing and resilience rating, enabling you to survive.
To win
your team must have a plan; that is an idea of how to win. It is very
important to use the preparation time before the battleground starts to
discuss tactics. Obviously, it takes time to write out a plan of action and it
is frequently a rush to get all your ideas down before the battle starts. People
will argue with you and say things like who made you the boss. It's best
not to argue. Some have no interest in discussing the best way to
win. Frequently they will be Rogues who just want to do their own thing
and get as high a damage score as possible.
The first
macro I have written is for the Twin Peaks Battleground. Twin Peaks is
almost an exact copy of Warsong Gulch, so the macro will work for both,
although it may need a little tinkering with. There is
a huge problem with writing a complete macro for a battleground and that is the
limit of 255 characters per macro. The only way around this, as far as I
know, is to write a series per battleground. Of course, this uses up space
on your user interface, although with SpartanUI it's possible to overcome this
I bet there is someone out there who could write a mod for WoW
which would produce a battleground tactic text, resolving the need to write
several macros. Maybe one exists already? I haven't discovered it yet
Peaks and Warsong Gulch Battleground Macro
experience I have found that writing complicated tactics is too much for most
players to comprehend. So, I have came up with a simple version.
All to Horde base avoiding fights with Horde. Our flag carriers need to
be a class that can absorb a lot of damage. When we have the flag split into 2
groups of 5. 1 to defend the flag. 1 to attack their flag carrier. Always
fight where there is a flag, never in the middle, and always be in a group. If
Horde do not have our flag 5 DEFEND THE FLAG ROOM."
Valley Battleground Macro
battleground has a number of possible tactics to use. However, all players
seem to want to do is rush to the last boss and get a quick win. That
tactic is poor and should fail every time. It will only work if the
opposition are also poor. I have given up trying to get Alliance players
to at least try to defend and this is my latest effort at winning this
battleground: -
All to their first boss. If Horde are there, ALL IN AT THE SAME TIME, apart
from 4 to take Iceblood grave to stop Horde resurrecting. If no Horde, it takes
10 to kill the boss. Rest move on to Horde base. Forget IB GY & towers
outside of their base.
Only need their base towers. It's a race to kill Drek. Need all at base,
20 to kill boss, rest to stop Horde taking back base towers and interfering
with attack on boss.
You need to use two macros to convey that message. If Horde are all in defence they will lose because they will be minus their first boss and the buff that gives them. They will also have Alliance firmly camped in their (Horde) half of the map.
You will
often see the following arguments:
That it
is wrong to take Iceblood graveyard and that it should never be taken. That
is complete nonsense and it only makes sense if Horde are not defending. If
Horde are using the so-called "German" tactic of total defence my
tactic is the only one that will beat it. With the IB GY they will keep
resurrecting in the area preventing the attack from being successful. Of
course, they will resurrect further back in defence and it will become a long
drawn out game, but if the German defence is successful in preventing the
Alliance attack on the first boss and the nearby towers, it is game
over. It will, however, be a long drawn out defeat for the Alliance side.
not take the towers on the way to the base? There is absolutely no reason why a tower
cannot be capped by a single player, but can you imagine writing a macro giving
all the alternative scenarios. You will be lucky if half the players read
your macro anyway. The main requirement is to get to and hold the Horde
base. Most often it is a race to kill the base bosses, whoever starts
first will usually win. I have seen the Horde win without any capped
Arathi Basin
Your Macro:
/bg Need 2 balanced groups of 5,1 of 4. Rogue take Stable and hide.4 to mine, 5 to BS 5 to LM. LM then take Farm and set up a choke point stopping Horde getting to LM or BS. BS should help secure mine and stable.Then move forward to Horde side of bridge.
The whole point here is to push the Horde back. You will often see players arguing for defending three bases. That is not an option because it enables the enemy to "zerg" a base with 9 players, the other 6 will defend their bases. Horde tend to zerg rush bases as a principal tactic. It's easy to defeat if your team is comprised of intelligent players.
Your Macro:
/bg Need 2 balanced groups of 5,1 of 4. Rogue take Stable and hide.4 to mine, 5 to BS 5 to LM. LM then take Farm and set up a choke point stopping Horde getting to LM or BS. BS should help secure mine and stable.Then move forward to Horde side of bridge.
The whole point here is to push the Horde back. You will often see players arguing for defending three bases. That is not an option because it enables the enemy to "zerg" a base with 9 players, the other 6 will defend their bases. Horde tend to zerg rush bases as a principal tactic. It's easy to defeat if your team is comprised of intelligent players.
The object should be to push Horde back to their starting area, by first
creating two choke points; one at the farm and the other opposite on the same side
of the map. You will be parallel to each other and can stop Horde from
getting past. When you have achieved that push onto the Horde starting
base. The game will then be over very quickly.
You won't find it that easy every time because Horde will successfully
take the mill or the mine, or both. However, the tactic is sound and you
need to pursue it throughout the game.
Eye of
the Storm
Macro: -
/bg We need 2 rogues/druids to take our towers at
start, that's only 1 person per tower, then hide.Rest 2 balanced groups and
attack Horde towers. The flag is a waste of time as towers earn far more
points. Always fight at Horde towers, cap by outnumbering.
Very like Arathi Basin in that the objective is to control territory and
push the enemy back. You will find players constantly fighting in the
middle of nowhere, or in the middle for the flag. Try and stop them by
repeating the macro. If you have three towers push Horde back to their
remaining tower, make them defend. When you control all four push them
back and contain them in their starting area. Once done = game over.
Your Macro: -
/bg To win this we have to stop Horde being able to
hold the mine and WW from the beginning. If they do, they can defend both
easily by running to and from. So, a druid or rogue take the LH and hide. 3
follow me to mine, get there before fighting. Rest WW.
It might seem odd, but to hold the lighthouse is not tactically sound
because of the reason given in the macro. Once the mine and waterworks are
secured it is best to fortify the mine, as the ship nearby is the Horde
resurrection point. If all three resources are held it should be easy to
contain the Horde within the ship area.
information supplied by the author is not to be seen as a promise to make an
individual a good or great World of Warcraft player. The idea of the guide is to
provide helpful information only and it is not, in any way, implying that the writer
can provide all the information and skills required for an individual to become
a good or better player. Assuming the reader of the guide is a beginner of
the game it will not be possible for them to argue that the book did not
provide very helpful useful information. Of course, information is
available from a host of other resources, in fact this guide directs people to a
substantial number. It is not the intention of the writer to imply
#8 Best World of Warcraft Sites #World of Warcraft BattlegroundGuide Macros
#8 Best World of Warcraft Sites #World of Warcraft BattlegroundGuide Macros
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