World of Warcraft Glyphs

Are yet another "reward" Blizzard uses to maintain our interest. Glyphs are a buffing tool to increase the powers of our character. They make a significant power boost for PvP and PvE (fighting monsters) play
OK, so how do you get your glyphs? Well you can make them yourself if you chose the Inscription profession. If you do choose this you will also need Herbalism, as herbs are required to make your inks, but Inscription is not suitable for all classes. It seems a profitable profession; other players can either buy glyphs directly from you, or through the Auction House.

For new players, the gold required to purchase glyphs, from the prices I have seen, is day-light robbery. Glyphs are available from level 25, although I have seen sites stating some are available at level 15. There are not, but sites get out of date because of patches to the game.

Which ones to buy?  Well it depends on your class for starters and the specialisations you have chosen. WoWWiki gives a very good guide, though it appears a lot of information is not necessarily current.

 Level 30

Dual Talent Specialisation becomes available and costs 10 gold.  What you must way up is whether you want to have another talent tree at this point? As ever WoWWiki is your best guide for looking up the needs of your toon.

Unless you are a Paladin I would suggest that you have better things to spend 10 gold on at this stage, and for some considerable time to come. Even as a Paladin you may decide to forego purchasing, but the advantage in doing so comes in your appeal to fellow players on Dungeon quests, and later in Raids. Parties are always looking for Tanks but Paladin healers are also in demand.
Another talent level opens, and you have the standard choice from three.

The Next Milestones

Well the next big levelling milestones (unless I've forgotten something) all revolve around riding. At Level 40 you purchase your Journeyman riding ability, which means your ground mount travels noticeably faster.

At level 60 you can buy a flying mount, which speeds the game up enormously and makes the avoidance of monsters much easier. Basically, you can go from quest to quest without hindrance on the way but watch you don't fly too high in Northrend! To fly here though you need another flying license (Cold Weather) available at level 68.

At level 70 you can ride faster, but it'll cost you 4,500 gold for the pleasure (5,000 if you don't buy it from your "home" trainer).  Then at level 80 you can purchase another license for the same price to ride at the fastest speed available. Your priorities will be such that it is unlikely you will be purchasing these immediately.


Once upon a time as you levelled up spells became available and off you had to trundle to find your Class trainer to purchase your spells. Since the Mists of Pandaria expansion as you level-up, those spells appear (as if by magic!) in your spell book. You need to put them on your bars to use them.

Free World of Warcraft Levelling Guide

No doubt you have seen, or will see, numerous sites requesting money for levelling guides. Check out this first from WoWWiki

It doesn't promise to tell you the easiest routes to complete quests and get to the highest level in the quickest possible time, but it does show you at a glance where you can go for quests at whatever level you happen to be. This website and the Wiki guide is all you need.

#World of Warcraft Glyphs #Free World of Warcraft Levelling Guide

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