Level 10
Some new
features become available. A talent tree, which enables you to give your
character more powers. There are three
branches to choose from and which you choose may seem a lottery, so I suggest
you have a look at this site's recommendations... WoWWiki
At level
10 you choose a specialisation for you character. For example, for a
Warlock you would choose either Affliction, Demonology or
Destruction. WoWWiki is an excellent all-round site for information about
WoW, but there is more in-depth information available and I suggest you read
the whole of this guide first.
You can
join WoW Battle Grounds. Don't! Well, not at level 10 anyway. This is
because you will find yourself up against level 18 and 19 players, who will
kill you very easily. Believe me, it's hard enough when you have a level
19 character.
Grounds are fun and mayhem. The idea is to act as a team, although you
will always get players who want to do their own thing. The problem is if
there are too many players like that you will lose. Two BGs become
available at level 10, Warsong Gulch and Arathi Basin.
Gulch is different from the other BGs in as much as you are only concerned with
defending your own flag and capturing the oppositions. The initial
strategy should be to stay together as a group, capture their flag and then
kill their flag bearer on the return journey, whilst protecting your own. From
then on, your team should split into two groups. One protecting your flag
room, the other attacking the opposition flag room. There should be Tanks
and healers in both groups.
The other BGs are about capturing and defending territory, which again needs teamwork. You will occasionally find that Guild members have joined a BG en masse, and the team work is clear to see. The group best functioning as a team will win.
You will
have seen NPCs with anvils as you mouse over. Well from level 10, or it
might be 11, you will find you must repair your gear from the damage of battle. If
you don't do this regularly your character's armour and weapons become steadily
more useless.
Level 15
At this
level, you will be able to do dungeon quests and will be given a dungeon
finder. These quests are very difficult and you need a group to complete
them. I suggest you wait until you are at your upper level limit before
attempting them. The dungeon finder takes you directly to the dungeon, so
you do not need to travel. I recommend attempting these with Guild
members, although using the finder may team you up with random players, so you
will need to create a guild party first. Regular players aren't
necessarily aware of your status as a newbie, so it is best to introduce
yourself as such.
One of
the problems you will find is that some people have no concept of team work or
tactics. These are necessary to complete the quests. It is always
preferable for the tank class to lead the assault, but it is important to lure
the monsters to you a few (or at least as few as possible) at a time. A
gung-ho approach will lead to being attacked by all the monsters in the
vicinity. The group preferably needs at least one tank class e. g. warrior
or a druid (to absorb damage and be the target by creating threat), a healer
e.g. Shaman or Priest, and three DPS (damage per second), such as a
hunter. DPS should be careful not to create more threat than the tank.
A talent tree becomes available and you are
given a choice of three powers to use. Which one you choose will be
dependent on whether you will concentrate on PvP or PvE play. I am now of
the thought that PvP play really doesn't come into its own until you reach the
highest level. It is very easy to change the power you have set to another
choice, all you need is some vanishing powder. To get that visit an
inscription vendor. To find one ask a Guard for the Inscription profession
As you go through be sure to collect all the quests within the dungeon and collect the loot. You will find that you must wait for certain "prizes" to be rolled for. If you need the item select "Need", if you don't select "Greed". Don't wait for the items to be allocated before moving on to the next part of the quest.
You will find that experienced players will not be interested in looting and are only there for the XP and quest items. They will want to rush through as quickly as possible (they have done these quests numerous times). Don't let them intimidate you. You need the loot and you don’t want to miss out on quest items. Make sure you have read the quest properly and know what you need to complete it successfully. It pays to read up on the quest at WoWhead.
Try to keep control of impetuous tanks that race off to kill the next baddie. They end up dead if there are no healers to help them.
Dungeon quests take some time to complete so make sure you have enough time set aside before you attempt one. If you must leave one you do not get the chance to re-join at the point you left.
Dungeons are very good for quickly obtaining XP, but you must remember that other players may be young and rash and have more powerfully equipped car(toons). You may find that occasionally they are too wrapped in their own self-importance and forget that new inexperienced players need to use dungeons (as well) to progress more quickly. You may find that occasionally you get kicked from the group. Don't worry, just try again and explain that you are new to the game.
Level 20
You can buy a mount (e.g horse) appropriate to your race. You can get other races’ mounts, but it's not worth the effort of foregoing your starting race's quests to complete the other race's quests.
You will normally find the riding trainer at your second starting location, but if not, it will be in a city. You will have seen the trainer on your travels so just keep a mental note; and of course, Guards will give directions.
You need to have at least 4 gold before you embark on your journey to the trainer. First pay for the training and then purchase a mount from the nearby trader. You will wonder why a horse, or whatever, hasn't appeared. Have a look in your bag and right-click on the icon. Then you need to open your spell book (it's P on the keyboard) and look at the bottom tabs and click on Mount.
Move the mount icon to your action bar by dragging it. When you click on it you will mount the horse/whatever. You can also create a keyboard shortcut, but we'll talk about this later.
If you are a Warlock you will purchase your training and Felsteed from your Warlock trainer. A Paladin also purchases their training and mount from their class trainer. Both do so for considerably less than 4 gold.
#Levelling Your World of Warcraft Character #WoW dungeon quests
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